2024-2025年常读: 在暴政
The search for truth is not only an academic exercise, but a foundation of democracy. Autocrats rely on 的 spread of misinformation to gain and hold power. Those who wish to undermine democratic systems deliberately suppress access to history. We find ourselves in a “post-truth” era, in which democracies across 的 globe are in decline. 作为一个大学社区, we must take responsibility for 的 role that 的 exchange of facts and ideas plays in 的 pursuit of a more equal and just society. As a starting point, we invite you to read Timothy Snyder’s 论暴政:20世纪的20个教训 in preparation for our 共同的主题, Defending Democracy, and related conversations in 的 fall.
Every discipline on campus plays a unique role in shaping our understanding of 的 world and each field of study contains a diversity of viewpoints. To study is not to seek confirmation of what you already know, but to be open to answers to questions you don’t yet know how to ask. This is how we develop as thinkers, but also how we maintain a free and democratic society. We hope you’ll keep this in mind as you pursue your major and minor fields. You’ll also have 的 chance to focus specifically on 的se issues in your 新生研讨课s. 以斯奈德的书为起点, 的se classes and accompanying programming will explore 的 ways in which learning about history can help us shape our present and future. 以斯奈德的书为起点, 的se classes and accompanying programming will explore 的 ways in which learning about history can help us shape our present and future.
We live in an era not only of widespread distrust in and dissatisfaction with government, 同时也是日益严重的社会经济不平等. We know from 的 violent history of 的 previous century that this is precisely 的 environment in which antidemocratic parties thrive and seize power. It is this history from which Snyder draws his lessons for our current age, providing 的 reader with concrete steps we can take to help uphold democratic values. 也许最出名的是他的作品 血色土地在希特勒和斯大林之间, Timothy Snyder has spent a career studying 的 murderous regimes of 的 last century not simply to 目录 horrors, but to understand how tyranny functions and how it can be stopped.
在 Covid-19 pandemic, we all experienced 的 anxiety and trauma of an era “unprecedented” in recent history. The threat we face now does not induce fear because we cannot know what is at stake; it is terrifying precisely because we know exactly what can happen. 我们对之后发生的事有清晰的记录 排外主义的, antidemocratic ideologies take hold, if only we choose to look. 我们不能忽视知识和真理. 而不是, we must fulfill our duty as a community of learners to face difficult histories, 参与具有挑战性的想法, and respect 的 differences that exist in a pluralist democracy.
Dr. Emma Woelk, Associate Professor of 德国, Director of 荣誉项目 & 全球计划
One of 的 most important things we hope to do as a university is create a love of learning in our students, and 的 first part of that happens with 的 新生研讨课 common text, 一本我们希望大家暑假都能读的书. 我们的教职员工和学生委员会已经做出了选择 在暴政 作为今年的共同文本. As you read 的 common text this summer, don't read as if it is a textbook. 没有必要记住任何事实. 相反,想想问题本身 在暴政 提出了. Make notes in 的 margins, mark passages that stand out to you, and write down questions you have. That way you will be well prepared to write about 的 book this fall and to participate in discussions in class. You will also have opportunities outside of classes to think about 的 book and 的 common 的me by attending screenings of documentaries, 专家聆听讲座, 去实地考察.
电子邮件 alexb@wlbt8888.com with any questions about 的 common text or 新生研讨课. 再次欢迎来到圣. 爱德华的.
All students participated in an accessibility tour of campus
9月7日5:00:电影放映 瘸子营 以及由DSO领导的讨论
10月18日6:00: 残疾司法的新方向 与学者兼活动家艾米丽·史瑞克和艾莉森·卡弗合作
所有的学生都去了 黑奥斯汀之旅
9月30日@ 5:00:电影放映及讨论 巴黎在燃烧
10月26日5:00:电影放映与讨论 离开
Sept 29 @ 6:00: Conversation with Stamped author, Jason Reynolds Presentation
10月19日下午5点电影放映 & 的讨论 13th
11月19日下午5点电影放映 & 的讨论 在山庄
9月17日晚上7:30和周日, Sept 20 @ 2:00 pm: GIZMO Play reading by Anthony Clavoe Directed by Sierra Sterling ’20
Oct 20 @ 5pm : How Data Can Win (and Lose) 的 Presidential Election
演示和Q&A和Dr. 大卫·托马森,政治学助理教授
Oct 26 - Nov 1: A Strange Design: A Haunting Virtual Escape Room in 的 Age of Data
Presented by Timothy Braun, 访问ing Assistant Professor of Creative Writing
9月16日@ 6:00:什么是公民身份? 小组讨论
9月24日下午6点电影放映: 记录
10月10日晚上7点:演讲嘉宾 & 作者 何塞·安东尼奥·巴尔加斯
11月14 - 24 MMNT :玛莉索
11月20日@ 6:00:电影放映: 人类之子
2023-2024: 可访问性 书: Disability Visibility: First Person Stories from 的 21st Century 爱丽丝·黄
书: 这个词是如何传递的 作者:克林特·史密斯
2021 - 2022:盖章
书: 盖印:种族主义,反种族主义,还有你 作者:Jason Reynolds
主讲人:Jason Reynolds
2020 - 2021:数据 & 正义
书: 你好世界 汉娜·弗莱
2019 - 2020:移民
书: 亲爱的美国:一个无证公民的笔记 何塞·安东尼奥·巴尔加斯著
2018 - 2019:身份
书: 生来就是罪犯 特雷弗·诺亚
演讲者:Eli Kimaro
2017- 2018:移民之声
书: 拘留 & 《驱逐:战火下移民家庭的故事 玛格丽特·里根
演讲者:Erika Andiola
书: 我在哪里吃饭?? 凯尔西·蒂默曼著
主讲人:Kelsey Timmerman
学生探索的共同主题在 只是食物
2015 - 2016:正义
书: 只是怜悯 布莱恩·史蒂文森
Trip: 28 students and three faculty members traveled to 南非 to explore justice, mercy and how 的se issues relate to race.
2014-2015: Hearts and Minds: Changing 的 Conversation about Mental 健康
书: 大脑着火了 苏珊娜·卡哈兰著
书: 半边天 作者:尼古拉斯·克里斯托夫和谢丽尔·吴邓恩
主讲人:Jackson Katz
Trip: Three students built on 的ir 共同的主题 trip to 孟加拉国 通过继续维护人权.
2012-2013: How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse: Dystopias and 可持续性
书: 第二次世界大战 马克斯·布鲁克斯
主讲人:Max Brooks