
多样性一直是体现在大学圣十字使命的基本原则, 是什么指引了大学的历史,并且可以追溯到圣十字会创始人的劝诫, Blessed Father Basil Moreau, CSC. 当他建立了圣十字教育的基本原则, 他恳求我们永远不要以牺牲心灵为代价来教育思想,并强调教育应该用于社会正义事业,以使世界变得更美好.

These fundamental principles explain much of the history of St. Edward’s and our commitment to diversity; our outreach and welcome to students of all religions, races, ethnic groups, genders, sexual orientations, and economic backgrounds; and our embrace of all members of our university community as creatures of God, to be valued and respected. Indeed, our embrace of all members of our community is a mindful, 在我们的日常努力中,有意地证明我们遵守圣经的义务,要像爱自己一样爱我们的邻居. 

—George E. Martin, president emeritus of St. Edward's University 

In an age of rapid social and technological change, 通过团结找到共同点对未来的领导人来说是必要的,他们将需要做出伦理和道德的决定. Campus Ministry serves as the nexus at St. 在爱德华学院,学生们可以在团契中与他人分享自己信仰的知识, ask questions and discover true knowledge of the world.