多样性一直是体现在大学圣十字使命的基本原则, 是什么指引了大学的历史,并且可以追溯到圣十字会创始人的劝诫, Blessed Father Basil Moreau, CSC. 当他建立了圣十字教育的基本原则, 他恳求我们永远不要以牺牲心灵为代价来教育思想,并强调教育应该用于社会正义事业,以使世界变得更美好.
These fundamental principles explain much of the history of St. Edward’s and our commitment to diversity; our outreach and welcome to students of all religions, races, ethnic groups, genders, sexual orientations, and economic backgrounds; and our embrace of all members of our university community as creatures of God, to be valued and respected. Indeed, our embrace of all members of our community is a mindful, 在我们的日常努力中,有意地证明我们遵守圣经的义务,要像爱自己一样爱我们的邻居.
—George E. Martin, president emeritus of St. Edward's University
In an age of rapid social and technological change, 通过团结找到共同点对未来的领导人来说是必要的,他们将需要做出伦理和道德的决定. Campus Ministry serves as the nexus at St. 在爱德华学院,学生们可以在团契中与他人分享自己信仰的知识, ask questions and discover true knowledge of the world.
On-Campus Religious Services
Austin-Area Faith Communities
校园事工鼓励来自不同宗教背景的学生从他们的传统中寻找当地社区,工作人员可以帮助学生找到符合他们需求的社区. You can find a community by checking out the Places of Worship directory.
In addition to local faith communities, 一些当地组织在不同时间与校园部合作,为学生提供支持:
- Interfaith Action of Central Texas (iACT): iACT unites faith and cultural communities to foster respect, partnership and transformation in service of the common good. iACT全年赞助了许多对话活动,并在整个奥斯汀地区协调各种宗教间服务项目.
- University Interfaith Council: 大学跨信仰委员会是一个由校园宗教领袖组成的组织,提供相互支持,讨论与德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校各部有关的问题和价值观,并促进与其他各部和德克萨斯大学组织和办公室的共同项目.
- Texas Hillel: 德克萨斯希勒尔为奥斯汀地区的所有犹太学生创造了发展自己的犹太兴趣的机会,并参与到一个欢迎的校园社区中,尊重多元化的价值,促进持续参与犹太人的生活.
- Seton Cove: The Seton Cove, an interfaith spirituality center, 创建于1995年,是一个好客和安慰的地方,为人们寻求精神更充分地融入他们的日常生活. 西顿·柯夫是奥斯汀公认的精神培育领袖, creative learning and holistic renewal.
如果您想了解更多关于奥斯汀宗教组织的信息,请联系 Josh Stagni.
Student Groups and Religious Diversity
有几个学生团体存在,每个团体都表达了一个特定的信仰传统和目的. 每个小组都力求为所有学生营造一个温馨的环境,让他们分享共同的经历,或更多地了解感兴趣的领域. The Holy Cross tradition of St. 爱德华的欢迎和倡导宗教表达的多样性在其社区.
Current student groups:
- Muslim Student Association (MSA): St. 爱德华的MSA是一个学生组织成立,以代表伊斯兰信仰和穆斯林学生社区在校园.
- Hilltopper Christian Fellowship (HCF): HCF的目的是建立见证社区的学生和教师跟随耶稣为救主和主:在爱神的成长, God's Word, 每一个种族和文化的神的子民,以及神在世界上的旨意.
Campus Ministry encourages student led groups and will, along with Student Life, 与任何希望围绕特定信仰传统组建团体的学生一起工作. 如果你有一个新的组的想法或想要任何现有组的更多信息, please contact Josh Stagni.
Campus Events
Opening windows to our community and to other communities.
A wide range of special events, sponsored by Campus Ministry and various students organizations, 是在整个学年中为学生提供一种与他们自己的信仰传统联系的方式吗, 学习其他的宗教传统,享受不同的团契. These are just some of the opportunities available for students.
- September:赎罪日(犹太人),宰牲节(穆斯林),犹太新年(犹太人)
- October: Sukkot (Jewish), Blessing of the Animals (Interfaith), St. Francis Feast Day (Interfaith), Nostra Aetate Lecture (Interfaith), Diwali Festival (Hindu, Sikh, and Jains)
- November: Prayer of Remembrance (Interfaith)
- December: Hanukkah (Jewish)
- March: Lenten Fish Fry (Christian), Holi (Hindu)
- March-April: Passover (Jewish), Passover Seder Meal (Jewish)
如果您想了解更多有关这些活动的信息,请联系 Josh Stagni.
Spiritual Support
St. 爱德华提倡一个安全和信任的环境,在这里学生可以从事个人的探索, spiritual, 学生个人和社区内经历的伦理和道德问题. Blessed Basil Moreau, founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, 相信心灵需要一种个人的学习体验, even intimate. Each student is encouraged to form both character and conscience.
Campus Ministry offers spiritual guidance, 教牧咨询,或者只是一个机会,把事情说出来,而不管宗教信仰是什么. Edward's University students. A professional staff is available to assist students, regardless of their faith tradition or background, to explore personal questions of faith, identity, spirituality, diversity and social justice in a safe environment. In addition, 校园事工可以帮助学生确定当地奥斯汀宗教社区的资源,这些资源符合学生自己的宗教传统.
如果您有任何问题,并希望得到校园部专业人员的支持,请联系 Josh Stagni.