St. 爱德华学院自豪地提供三个特殊的课程,为获得护理学学士学位提供途径和准备.

The unique flexibility of our Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) program gives practicing registered nurses several options for earning their BS in Nursing. Students can choose between full-time and part-time course schedules, with classes offered in online, in-person and hybrid formats.

The Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (tBSN) pathway gives undergraduate students an option for earning their BS in Nursing. Students can choose our Bachelor of Arts in Biology, Pre-Nursing Track and Bachelor of Science in Biology, 卫生专业跟踪准备传统本科生过渡到传统护理理学学士(tBSN).  

The Accelerated Second Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN)*途径为先前获得文学学士或理学学士学位的学生提供了获得护理学学士学位的选择.  

Ready to Apply?

Choose your pathway — the Traditional Application or Accelerated Application

Benefits of Our Nursing Programs

Answering the Growing Demand for Nursing Professionals in Texas and Beyond

Across Texas and the nation, the need for nursing professionals is at an all-time high. St. Edward’s is dedicated to partnering with communities to meet critical workforce needs. Our nursing education prepares highly skilled, 富有同情心的护士来自各行各业的职业生涯在医疗公平的最前沿,为每个人.

BSN Registered Nurse talks with a Patient

To enhance their BS in Nursing degree and career mobility, students can earn bilingual certification while pursuing their undergraduate degree through an Advanced Spanish for Health and Helping Professions Certificate from St. Edward’s. 我们的护理学士学位毕业生也在教育和经验上准备攻读护理硕士学位,以进一步推进他们的职业生涯. 

Hear Our Program Highlights

Dr. Donna Beuk, Director of Nursing, 与KXAN新闻讨论我们新的注册护士到护理学学士(RN到BSN)计划的独特好处. Dr. Beuk highlighted how the program equips working RNs with innovative training and hands-on experience, preparing them to advance as highly skilled and compassionate professionals in nursing.

Nursing Programs Reflect Our Commitment to a More Just World

The social-justice mindset of St. Edward’s reaches far beyond our hilltop campus, impacting Austin and contributing to the greater good and wellbeing of communities and the world. Guided by our Holy Cross mission and strategic plan, the core values of our Nursing programs focus on academic excellence, respectful care, integrity, ethics and social responsibility.

Graduates of our programs are uniquely positioned to address issues of disparity, justice and equity within healthcare, and to support culturally relevant care. In addition, the diversity of our graduates helps strengthen diversity within the nursing profession. Research shows that increasing diversity in the nursing workforce can help mitigate health disparities. 

A Message from Our Director of Nursing

St. Edward's is pleased to welcome Dr. Donna Beuk in the role of Founding Director of Nursing. Beuk is a longstanding educator and scholar, and a practicing nurse of 12 years. 她领导的计划,准备能力和富有同情心的护士谁将满足劳动力需求在快速增长的医疗保健领域的发展. See her welcome message to nursing students.

Facts and figures

Top 10

University in the West
U.S. News & World Report

Facts and figures


Full-Time & Part-Time
Online, In-Person & Hybrid
Program Options

Facts and figures


Student-Faculty Ratio

Facts and figures

30+ years

Hispanic Serving Institution

3 nurses walking together in hospital corridor
Nurse leaders meet to discuss patient care

Explore Our BSN Program and BSN Pathway Programs

Yellow Line
Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN)

Designed specifically to fit the busy schedule of working RNs, this flexible program offers full-time and part-time options, with a choice of online, in-person and hybrid formats. 您将在小班授课,由经验丰富的专业护士教授,他们是教学课程的专家,具有吸引力和互动性.

The RN to BSN program builds on a variety of clinical knowledge that RNs already possess, with robust experiential learning embedded into the curriculum. Through research-based projects, leadership training and independent clinical practicums, you’ll gain additional expertise, skills and perspectives needed to be an effective leader in healthcare. You’ll be prepared to use evidence-based practice, informatics and teamwork, 在不断变化的卫生保健环境中处理卫生政策和宣传的协作和系统思考.

RN to BSN Program Webinars

注册护士到BSN网络研讨会为BSN的准注册护士学生提供了一个概述注册护士到护理学学士(注册护士到BSN)计划. Edward's University. Important information about coursework requirements, the application process, clinical hours, practicum and more will be covered. Prospective students can get their questions answered by contacting Donna Beuk, Founding Director of Nursing, or Jesica Naiman, assistant professor of Nursing; RN to BSN advisor.

View the live recording of an RN to BSN Webinar

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Eduardo Carrillo ’22, Biology, in Science lab
Students and Professor in Science Lab

Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (tBSN*)

传统的BSN (tBSN)计划*准备护士全科医生在急性/亚急性/门诊工作, public health, long-term care, and community settings. 课程的专业(tBSN)部分包括54个学分,旨在在四个学期的全日制学习中完成. 

通过支持学生的定义能力,以能力为基础的方法被用来培养批判性思维和临床推理的发展, analyze, and create correlation among individual presentation, health data, and aspects of social determinants of health. 这些能力是基于专业护理教育的三个领域:德克萨斯州护理委员会“德克萨斯州护理项目毕业生的差异化基本能力”(DECs), 2021), 美国护理学院协会“要点:专业护理教育的核心能力”(AACN), 2021), and “Quality Safety Education for Nurses” (QSEN, 2008).  

The competencies are introduced, reinforced, 并在整个课程中使用护士将在实践中经历的范例或案例进行评估. 我们的护理学生展示能力的一种方式是通过使用我们的模拟学习和资源中心. For example, a high-quality, 为腹痛患者创建标准化的模拟场景,并在适当情况下整合演员或模拟患者. 该练习包括预先简介和汇报(反馈和自我反思),以及评估学习成果. In this example, the student would be evaluated on their ability to complete a focused health history. Clinical skills evaluated would include inspection, auscultation, palpation, and percussion of the abdomen as well as accurate documentation. 不同的情况可能要求学生表现出与病人沟通或跨专业沟通的能力. 学生和教师将采用主动学习策略,强调材料的应用而不是记忆.


Fall 2024 tBSN Application

Accelerated Second Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing* (ABSN)

加速BSN (ABSN)计划*准备护士全科医生在急性/亚急性/门诊工作, public health, long-term care, and community settings. ABSN课程包括51个学分,旨在在3个学期(13个月)的全日制学习中完成. ABSN课程适合那些已经在其他领域获得学士学位(BS/BA)的学生, and have completed both the general education and prerequisite course requirements for BSN study. 

通过支持学生的定义能力,以能力为基础的方法被用来培养批判性思维和临床推理的发展, analyze, and create correlation among individual presentation, health data, and aspects of social determinants of health. 这些能力是基于专业护理教育的三个领域:德克萨斯州护理委员会“德克萨斯州护理项目毕业生的差异化基本能力”(DECs), 2021), 美国护理学院协会“要点:专业护理教育的核心能力”(AACN), 2021), and “Quality Safety Education for Nurses” (QSEN, 2008).

Fall 2024 ABSN Application

Program Approval and Accreditation

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at St. Edward's University is pursuing initial accreditation by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. Applying for accreditation does not guarantee that accreditation will be granted.

Nationwide employment for registered nurses is predicted to grow 6% from 2021 to 2031, accounting for 203,200 openings each year over the decade.

– The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (September 2022)