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Explore your options — classes, internships, research and study abroad. 找到你感兴趣的,发现你喜欢的,然后创造一个 社会工作专业指南 体验能启动你的未来. 

You’ll advance human rights for marginalized communities, one person at a time. 我们的毕业生从事公共卫生工作, 药物滥用, 儿童福利, 教育, mental health and other settings where they help people lead healthier, 更有意义的生活.

准备好与不同的群体一起工作,并了解种族, class, gender, sexuality and disability shape people’s experiences and opportunities. Study with professors doing real-world research about issues like 人口贩卖, 移民拘留和寄养的LGBTQ青年. You’ll learn professional ethics that will guide you through difficult decisions, as well as strategies for taking care of yourself while you help other people.

作为大四学生, you’ll complete an intensive field internship at a social justice-focused organization, where you’ll develop your professional skills and learn from experienced mentors. 我们的学生在包括Integral Care在内的机构实习, SAFE, 学校社区, 马德雷先生, 女童赋权网络, 家庭照顾老年人, 德州大学法学院移民法诊所, 和毕生的事业, which serves runaway and homeless youth and young people aging out of foster care.


因为St。. 爱德华的 社会工作 program is accredited by the Council on 社会工作 Education, 哪方面需要延长实习时间, you will get credit for having completed a field placement if you pursue an accelerated Master of 社会工作 degree. You’ll get a head start on your career and graduate with the skills and values that will help you succeed.


社会工作 majors go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • 综合护理中心的社工, 学校社区, Jolt, 奥斯汀独立学区, 毕生的事业和Con Mi Madre
  • 有执照的社会工作者——包括LBSW, LMSW和LCSW -私人公司, 非营利组织和政府机构
  • 在和平队、耶稣会义工队及美慈队服务
  • 美国富布赖特大学英语助教.S. 学生项目
  • 华盛顿大学的研究生, 哥伦比亚大学, 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和休斯顿大学

学会怜悯. 深思熟虑.

在圣. 爱德华的几乎是无限的. 阅读社会工作专业 布里奇特·麦克唐纳,19岁 and her experiences on the hilltop and what she plans to do next — and read the stories of other students who went big on the hilltop.



Social work is a major that prepares you to facilitate positive change in society. 在圣.  爱德华的 show you how to translate concepts like social justice and wellbeing into concrete action.


你马上就能到地里去了. Your Introduction to 社会工作 course requires 40 hours of service learning, where you’re volunteering for course credit at an organization connected to your major. 这是你在观察时回馈的机会, 听, 了解社会工作在实践中的样子.

更多信息可在 实地教育计划手册.


St. 爱德华的 offers many other opportunities to meet people from different backgrounds, 应用你在课堂上学到的知识, 为你服务. 

Study abroad immerses you in unfamiliar settings and cultivates understanding of people from other cultures. 

服务中断经历, 由校园事工提供, 给你机会去另一个社区旅行, 当志愿者,在简单的生活中了解当地的生活. 

校园部的S.E.R.V.E. Austin is a structured service program that meets weekly for an entire semester. You’ll help a nonprofit with specific tasks while learning about an issue like senior care, 移民, 教育, 青年发展或无家可归. 

These experiences help you apply the theory you’ve discussed in class, come face to face with ethical dilemmas and become better prepared to address them.


Assistant Professor of 社会工作 Laurie Cook Heffron explores the safety net in the United States 和 network of policies and programs that aim to prevent poverty in her Spring 2020 course.