在这个视频中,教职员工Dr. 雷切尔·尼尔博士. 米歇尔·罗伯逊,讲述了更多关于社会学学位和为什么圣. 爱德华大学是了解更多人的好地方, 他们的信仰, 以及它们之间的相互作用.
探索你的选择——上课、实习、研究和出国留学. 找到你感兴趣的 社会学专业指南, discover what you love, and create a major experience that jumpstarts your future.
A major in 社会学 will help you understand why society functions the way it does, 以及如何让它变得更加公正.
您将了解与种族相关的个人和群体身份, class, 性别, 性, 年龄, 文化与宗教. Study institutions like family, politics and religion, and how power is distributed in society. 社会学 helps you understand why some groups maintain the status quo while others upend and reshape society. It helps you see an event like a crime wave as the tip of an iceberg and identify the larger social and historical forces at work under the surface.
社会学 will teach you to study the causes and consequences of human beliefs and behavior from a scientific perspective. You’ll learn how to design a research study of a topic you’re curious about and produce professional-level work. 教室外, you’ll apply your skills by interning at a place like a child welfare organization, 为城市贫民服务的非营利组织, 女孩赋权俱乐部, 家庭暴力庇护所, 或者环保或人权倡导组织.
毕业后, 你可以在社会服务部门工作, 业务, 卫生专业, 新闻业或政府部门,或者从事社会学研究, 是什么支撑着许多政策决定和社会项目. 无论你选择什么,你都会离开圣. 爱德华的 with strong research skills, insight into society and a passion for social justice.
社会学专业的学生可以从事各种各样的职业,也可以从圣. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.
- 美国富布赖特大学英语助教.S. 学生项目
- 厄瓜多尔和平队成员
- Gerson Lehrman Group客户解决方案高级助理
- 普尔曼华盛顿州立大学社会学博士课程的学生
- 基金会社区的捐献人关系和数据协调员, 这提供了支持, 为有需要的家庭提供经济适用房
Rachel Leader ' 19, 社会学专业, 获得了富布赖特奖, 一项由美国政府资助的奖学金和助学金计划.S. 国务院. 读到 她和其他富布赖特学者在山顶上的经历.
作为一名社会学专业的学生,你将通过服务、研究和实习来学习. These experiences will help you understand how the dynamics you’re studying in class unfold in the Austin community.
社会学 majors learn methods for conducting research to understand social phenomena. 你将有机会在圣. 爱德华的 Symposium on 本科 研究 and Creative Expression or at a professional academic conference, where you can learn about the careers in research and academia and build your network.
在任何一所大学学习一个学期. 爱德华的合作校园, 或者在一个较短的教师主导的项目中, 会丰富你对社会学的理解吗. You’ll witness how different policies and cultural expectations affect social justice in another country and build your ability to critically analyze initiatives in the United States.
校园部为所有学生提供许多服务项目, 不分专业或宗教信仰. Give back to your community and learn about real-world efforts to address the challenges you’ve learned about in class.
S.E.R.V.E奥斯汀是周刊, semester-long volunteer commitment at a specific site where you’ll develop relationships with immigrants and refugees, 参加课外活动的孩子们, 正在做GED考试的年轻人, 老年人或以前无家可归的人.
S.E.R.V.E. 1日的活动是星期六早上的节目,包括早餐, 到工地的交通, 午餐和反思. 这些为期一天的项目通常涉及体力劳动, 就像打扫公园一样, 清除入侵物种或粉刷学校.
服务休息经历给你机会去另一个社区旅行, 做志愿者,了解当地生活. 中小企业建立在圣. 爱德华的 and the service location and require students to prepare – educationally and spiritually – for several months beforehand. The trips incorporate structured reflections so you’ll integrate what you’ve learned and use it to fuel your charity and justice work going forward. A hallmark of SBEs is their emphasis on living simply – you’ll leave your phone and other luxuries behind.
Many of the organizations where students intern (listed below) also accept volunteers. These are good settings to contribute to an organization’s mission while learning about a potential career path.
公共演说家、国际学者亚历克西斯·里德23岁时的用法 她自己的行动主义故事 激励她的同龄人.
主要要求: 社会学文学学士学位需要42小时的主修课程, 包括不同的社会学课程的组合, 还有一些全球研究, 犯罪学, 和心理学. 除了, students choose 9 hours of career-emphasis elective courses that help prepare them for future interests, 比如研究生院或者他们在社会学领域的职业道路.
选修课: Students complete 24 hours of elective courses in any area of study they choose. 这些课程不一定与专业相关.
通识教育要求: The degree requires 54 hours of general education courses that students complete over four years in addition to their major courses and electives.
查看并下载完整版 社会学专业学位计划(PDF).
自我与社会 – 社会学 is the study of how groups, organizations, and individuals behave in society. In this course you will learn how to ask sociological questions and analyze social life to understand how things like culture, 社会化, 权力关系, 社会制度和群体互动影响个人.
美、身体和性 -“正常”和“美丽”身体的定义是什么? 年龄是怎么变的?, 性别, 比赛, 社会阶层, 性取向, 性决定了人们如何看待和对待身体? 在本课程中,你将研究这些问题, 还有其他人, through an analysis of the historical and contemporary beliefs and social norms associated with beauty and 性.
家庭与亲密关系 – 社会学 is based on the idea that society organizes people’s lives and that individual experiences both reflect and reproduce cultural ideals and patterns. In this course you will explore how the family as a social institution interacts with other institutions and how these larger processes (economic, 政治, 全局形状族, 以及个人家庭经历如何塑造社会世界.
All 社会学 majors complete an internship of at least 75 hours at a community organization with a mission focused on some form of social justice. Here is where you will apply your knowledge of social inequality; diversity and inclusion; critical thinking; effective communication; and social justice. 社会学专业的学生最近在以下地点实习:
- 德州民权项目
- 人们组织起来保护地球和她的资源
- 奥斯汀教育合作伙伴
- 之家 Marianella
- 城市的根
- 奥斯汀自闭症协会
- 突破德州中部
- 青年宣传
- 小波埃斯佩兰萨
- 德克萨斯州受害者服务协会
- 母亲反对酒驾
- 三一中心
- 女孩摇滚营! -奥斯丁
- 德州中部宗教间行动
- 青年崛起德州
- 学校社区
- 基层领导
- 加油奥斯汀/加油奥斯汀
- 外管局联盟
- 德州倡导项目
- 女青年会
- 塞拉俱乐部
- Mujeres Inspiradas en Sueños, Metas y Acciones
- 少数民族争取经济、教育、自由和正义平等中心
- 全国精神疾病联盟
"My favorite part of teaching is watching students gain information and skills that they will use outside of the classroom. 通过这个过程, 学生们学会以不同的方式看待世界, 并为毕业后找到自己的道路做好了更好的准备."
– Dr. 蕾切尔尼尔社会学副教授
作为一名教师, 我认为教育的过程是令人兴奋的, dynamic and clearly remember the moment I discovered 社会学 as an undergraduate student. 记住这段记忆, I strive to create a classroom environment that embodies these characteristics as we ask and pursue answers to fascinating sociological questions about our ever-changing social world. My hope is that the knowledge and skills students develop in my courses will serve them in their future educational and professional pursuits, 同时也使他们成为我们这个全球化世界中有思想、有见识的公民."
– Dr. 米歇尔·L. 罗伯逊社会学副教授
“我很高兴能成为SEU社会学项目的一员. I love learning and teaching about social problems and how we can improve our communities. 作为一个19岁的年轻学生, 我在一所规模很大的大学读书,感到迷茫, 我被我所面临的所有新经历和挑战所淹没. 我从未觉得自己与学校或同学有联系. 所以现在, 教学中我最喜欢的部分是与学生一对一的交流, 帮助他们找到通往未来的道路, 培养对学习和倡导社会正义的热爱."
Dr. 凯西·拉根,社会学客座助理教授
Students who are interested in learning more about the science of human interaction or who will benefit from the expanded perspective in their chosen career should consider pursuing a minor in 社会学. 辅修社会学需要18个小时的课程.
- 自我与社会
- 社会理论
- 社会学专题
- 种族、阶级和性别
- 两门高年级社会学课程
教授校园里最及时的课程之一. 米歇尔·罗伯逊邀请你观察和理解社会世界, 了解为什么它是这样工作的, 并在这个过程中探索你作为架构师的角色. Dive deep in exciting topics spanning from culture, social structure and current events.